Friday, February 1, 2013

Swampsouls - Outline

  • Using the FAST Ruleset:
  • Character Creation
    •  20 skill points available, any level in any said skill(s) avaliable
    • Any skill/tech more modern than flintlock/blackpowder must be approved
    • All character types allowed, but each non-human character MUST have a skill or item that allows them to appear as human
    •  Each character needs to detail three things about their past that they have in common with the other characters (i.e. shared experiences)
    • Each character needs to detail three things from their past that they would rather not tell anyone
Order Item Needed Symbol Color Location Guardian(s) Method Gained
1st Body Wine Purple Old Orleans Letiche & Winepress Automatons Destroy the Lethe Winepress or steal their bodies (back) Unbreakable Body
2nd Mind Wind Silver Chimera Bay Undead Pirates Outpace the Blackwater Pirates in an Astral race to the corpse of Artemis Chimeric Mind
3rd Spirit Oil Brown Bayou Narcisse Rougarou Obtaining the Flame of the Fifolet to Light the Oil Lamps of the Ibo IIgbo Spiritfire
4th Death Fire Red Silent Swamp Mutelyns Burn the endflies to ash using Spiritfire Endfly Exposure
5th Life Water Blue HMS Racer during the 1837 Racer Storm Deep Ones Find and retrieve the surisculam aquae vitae Spiritual Anchor
6th Memory Cloud Black Fungal Forest Death's Cap Breathe in the correct memory before they perish Breathless Life
7th Soul Dove Gold Bottle Tree Wraith Lord Pass through Death's Gate and remove the corks from their bottles on the Bottle Tree Soul (DUH)
  • Once the adventure begins...
    • Part 1 - The morning after - Wherein the Characters learn about what has befallen them.
      • NOTE: During this Part, the Characters are soulshades with 2 Body and have just their basic skills.
    • Part 2 - Beneath Old Orleans - Wherein the Characters combat the Letiche and Winepress Automatons in order to regain their own bodies.
      • NOTE: During this Part, the Characters are soulshades with 2 Body and have just their basic skills.
      • If the characters survive, they regain their former Body, as well as the skills, Winemaking [Basic Familiarity, 1 point], Clockwork Contraptions [Trained, 2 points], and Unbreakable Body (Magical Armor: -5) 
    • Part 3 -  On Chimera Bay
      • If the characters survive, they gain the following skills: Astral Navigation [Trained, 2 points], Shipboard Combat [Basic Familiarity, 1 point], and Chimeric Mind (which is the ability to slightly effect reality) [Trained, 2 points]
      • NOTE: Nicholas Blanc also gained Favored by a Power [Basic Familiarity, 1 point]
    • Part 4 - Down on Bayou Narcisse
      • If the characters survive, they gain the following skills: Swampwalker [Trained, 2 points], and Spiritfire [Skilled, 4 points] 
    • Part 5 - Stalking the Silent Swamp
      • If the characters survive, they gain the following skills: Enhanced Awareness [Trained 2 points] and Endfly Exposure (which is the ability to regenerate Body damage at the rate of 1 point per round) [Basic Familiarity, 1 point]
    • Part 6 - Aboard the HMS Racer
      • If the characters survive, they gain the following skills: Outsider Exposure [Trained, 2 points], and Spiritual Anchor (which allows you to resist attacks from Outsiders/Possession/Insanity, etc.) [Skilled, 4 points]  
    • Part 7 - Lost in the Fungal Forest
      • If the characters survive, they gain the following skills: Fungus Familiarity [Basic Familiarity, 2 points], Unusual Orienteering [Trained, 2 points] and Breathless Life (no need to breath to continue living - temporary) [Trained, 2 points]
    • Part 8 - The Bottle Tree
      • If the characters survive, they regain their souls (DUH).