Friday, February 1, 2013

Pt1 - The morning after

The characters awaken in various forms of discomfort: heads on the table, laying the floor, having slept all night in a chair, and so forth. They all have terrible hangovers and are bleary-eyed and cotton-mouthed. As they look around, they find themselves in a room that seems somewhat familiar:

It was in this infamous location, the notorious Klib nan Avanturyé that the characters whiled away the evening, enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Now, however, it is time to pay the piper - both in a physical and a literal sense. The place is nearly empty (except for a few snoring prior patrons here and there), and for an unusual looking fellow who sits at their table, grinning and mumbling to himself.

Soon, however, it will be revealed that this fellow is called Gumbo and he is not exactly what he seems. 

Gumbo is shirtless and wears a pair of dirty and tattered pantaloons, he is armed only with a flintlock pistol and a wide, curved saber, which are tucked into a sash at his waist. He is barefooted and his toes appear to be webbed. Gumbo is a fast-talking, wheeling and dealing kinda guy who is as slippery as an eel and three times as dangerous. He speaks with a heavy Cajun accent. Skills: Fast Talker [Skilled, 4 points], Manipulative [Master, 10 points], Saber [Trained, 3 points], Majick [Trained, 3 points]
Body: 20
Gumbo has a face similiar to this fellow:

But a body more akin to this fellow.

Ultimately, it will be revealed that he is actually a Gree-Gree, like:

Gumbo will happily tell the group where they are (New Orleans) and about what happened last night: the fact that they were in a high-stakes poker game with none other than M'su Diable (the Devil). To make matters worse - they lost, and very badly. So badly, in fact, that they are now little more than soulshades - the barest remnant of what remains when a creature has been utterly taken apart by the Great Enemy.

If they want to know how to reverse this fate, Gumbo can tell them - for a price. His price is equal to what he is giving them: when his time comes to be taken by the Great Oblivion, they will have to come and save him, just as they desire to save themselves...if they succeed, of course....

Gumbo can tell them that their beings have been completely divided into their most elemental parts: Body, Mind, Spirit, Memory, Life, Death, and Soul. Gumbo does not know where they have all been taken to, but he can tell them where their body is: Old Orleans, taken by the horrific Letiche, to be crushed into Lethe wine, the finest and most potent wine in the physical realms.

Gumbo will tell them that they are very venerable in their current state: as soulshades, they are tremendously weak but in someways - to somethings - they may experience near invulnerability, however - other things (that they might not expect) may harm them far more than normal. Gumbo will also tell them that he cannot accompany them on their journey, but kicks a black bag towards them as he rises to depart. He tells them not to forget their winnings...

Reaching into the bag is like putting your hand into a deep, dark well - literally - the inside of the bag is filled with water. Only by reaching one's hand as far as possible into the bag can one draw out the treasure, and a treasure it is, indeed:

The item is a mimir, and it can provide answers when asked, although in the most cryptic method possible.

The characters are free to do as they will, but they will now notice that at the table, face down, are seven playing cards. Each card is a regular playing card, with the exception that each of them has a symbol marked in colored ink upon it. Each symbol corresponds to one of the elements that they are missing. They must cipher out which symbol stands for Body and then play the card to be transported to Old Orleans.