Friday, May 17, 2013


Pierre L'estrange

Pierre L'estrange is a quiet man among the many French-Italian immigrants to Louisiana in the nineteenth century. He took up the job of an apothecary's assistant, ferrying supplies from dock storages to the shops, assisting in the compounding of drugs, and delivering goods to purchasers. Pierre seems to be nondescript and unremarkable, if surprisingly stout and well-toned. Few like to look into the man's grey eyes, grim and watchful.

In reality, Pierre is an assassin sent by a secret society known as The Wheel from their Monacan cell in the French Riviera. His purpose has been to look out for persons of interest and new inventions being imported and exported through Louisiana's harbors. He also ensures enemies and victims of The Wheel do not escape either into or out of the new world.

Backstory: Pierre began as the son of a fisherman and became orphan when his parents died of ship fever. He lived on the streets, learning to survive through scavenging and streetfighting. He joined a gang and quickly earned a reputation at being skilled with a knife. The leaders groomed him into an assassin, training him in savate and to work with a stiletto. He did his new job well, becoming known as the gang's misercordia (mercy), which turned into a byword of the area. Gang members would say, "Do you want us to show you mercy?," meaning "Do you want to die at the hands of an assassin?"

The Wheel eventually absorbed the gang into their network of ruffians and rogues they used among the international ports. Pierre's performance became known to them, and they initiated him into The Spark, their war machine. As a member of The Spark, they submitted him to mechanosymbiosis, quickening his cognitive skills and reflexes, as well as giving him a hardened skeleton that provided greater protection to vital organs. They also tuned his anatomy to conceal the tools of his trade, so that he can walk around appearing unarmed. Pierre survived the horrific process and quickly proved the worth of these new abilities through a series of daylight assassinations of French officers and wealthy merchants.

The Wheel: A secret society who claims to have been around when the wheel and the fire were first used. Their goal is to create a technocracy whose arms control every cog and wheel of international societies. The spread of industrialization is but one of their many projects. They seek to have proprietary rights to inventions through coercing or manipulating scientists, tinkerers, innovators, and inventors into their fold. Those that refuse face the calculating wrath of The Wheel.

Mechanosymbiosis: Grafting of mechanical and biological entities into an integrated whole. Mechanosymbios was developed as a ultra clandestine cog of the secret society known as The Wheel, to serve its executive purposes of threat assessment and threat elimination.

Spies and assassins of both human and clockwork design had been in use by The Wheel for years, but each had their own downfall. Clockwork creatures known as mobilĂ© marionettes were at first clumsy and then ultimately too mechanical to pass off as humans. And humans...well, squishy and easily turned. An arm of The Wheel over military research, known as The Spark, sought to reconcile the differences between the two, complementing strengths, which came to be known as the field of mechanosymbiosis.

These new creatures forged of futuristic technology and biological prowess operate live as two quasi creatures--machine and human--which coexist to perform a main function. Most live as spies or assassins, while some have unknown capabilities and functions. Each entity is unique and possesses skills from both its mechanical programming and human hosts. All are capable of intuition (which allows them to blend into society at large), but often lack primal fears, making them appear stoic or indifferent in the face of danger.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dead Pirate God

Dead God
Slam [Master 10]
Body: 40


Mutelyns are goblin-like natives of the Silent Swamp. They are known as mutelyns because they ritualistically scar themselves in order to prevent speech. Horrific "coming of age" rituals that consist of pinning or sewing of lips, removal of tongues, and even the removal of voice boxes have been known. They have a habit of collecting endflies, and it has been said that they are, in fact, the keepers and guardians of these unusual creatures. Skills: Capture [Expert, 7 points], Sneak [Expert, 7 points], Camouflage [Expert, 6 points]
Body: 7


The fifolet are the spirits of the swamp that others term will o' the wisps. Ironically, this name refers to only the supernatural fire that these creatures exude, not the creatures themselves. Fifloet are spirit wardens: they instinctively herd and protect wayward spirits. They are a natural enemy of the rougarou, the gluttonous savages who hunt and consume spirits ruthlessly and carelessly. Skills: Spiritfire [Master, 10 points], Invisibility [Expert, 7 points], Spiritguide [Trained, 3 points].
Body: 3


The rougarou are little-known race of swamp-borne shapeshifters, akin to the loup garou or werewolves. However, unlike other lycanthropes, the rougarou are not a bridge from the world of humans to animals, but rather, they span the gap between life and death. They often appear as strong, muscular humans who are the pinnacle of health, with elements of death incorporated into their form: skull faces, skeletal hands or ribcages are the most common... Skills: Touch of Rot [Expert, 7 points], Frightening Appearance [Expert, 6 points], Feral Combat [Expert, 7 points].
Body: 21

Blackwater Pirates

These undead pirates scour the Astral in search of souls that they can intimidate/enslave/press into servitude. They are ruthless to a fault and would think nothing of cheating or killing in order to win or obtain their goals. Skills: Cheating [Expert, 7 points], Lying [Trained, 2 points], Sailing [Master, 10 points], Fighting [Basic Familiarity, 1 point]
Body: 10
NOTE: The Sailing skill listed above is only for sailing on water, not in the Astral. Granted, some of the skills might be similar, so the skill can be used to assist in Astral sailing, but they are not the same.
The name of the Blackwater Pirate's vessel is The Death of Desoto.
The captain of The Death of Desoto is Captain LaCroix.

The name of the character's ship is The Bayou Banshee.

Winepress Automatons

Crafted from the cast-off parts of the Lethe Winepress, these creatures are amalgams of whatever is at hand: cogs, levers, gears, straps, rivets, and stacks: all powered by the preternatural power of the Lethe. No one appears the same as the others, but they all serve the same purpose as their brothers and sisters: destroy anyone who threatens the Winepress. Skills: Slam [Skilled, 4 points], Slice [Skilled, 4 points], Rend [Skilled, 4 points], Blast [Skilled, 4 points], Crush [Skilled, 4 points].
Body: 10

NOTE: Due to the unusual characteristics of the Lethe, there is a 1 in 20 chance that Winepress Automatons can become confused and turn on the Winepress itself. Any direct attempt the characters make in this vein can increase those changes substantially.